Which are the best books for GPSC Prelims and Mains?

If you’re gearing up for the GPSC Exam, the first thing you’ll need is the right set of books. There are just too many subjects and topics to cover. How do you even choose where to begin? However, we’ve got your back.

Best Books to Ace GPSC Prelims and Mains

1. Strong Foundation with NCERTs

A good start is NCERT books. They are short, well organized, and hit the important points. Ancient Indian history is covered in NCERT Class 6’s “Our Past 1” and mediaeval history in Class 7’s “Our Past 2” for instance. More detailed studies are based on these foundational texts.

2. Dive Deeper into History

  • Modern India: Rajiv Ahir explains in his book ‘A Brief History of Modern India’ and ‘India’s Struggle for Independence’ by Bipin Chandra provides an in depth look at our freedom movement.
  • Culture: For the cultural topics, Nitin Singhania’s clever title ‘Indian Art and Culture’ is a go to book.

3. Master of Polity and Governance

M. Laxmikanth’s book, ‘Indian Polity’ is the one you wouldn’t want to miss acquaintance with a special focus on the Constitution and governance structures. For complete knowledge, complement it with “Introduction to the Constitution of India” by D.D. Basu.

4. Let’s Exercise Our Economics Knowledge

Ramesh Singh’s “Indian Economy” is extremely good for the analysis of economic concepts that have appeared in the exam.

5. Understand Geography Better

  • Physical Geography: For the beginner, NCERT’s Class 11, “Fundamentals of Physical Geography”, is a good place to begin.
  • Indian Geography: Covered comprehensively, are Class 11, “India: Physical Environment” and Class 12 “India: People and Economy.”
  • World Geography: For a broader perspective, Majid Husain’s ‘Geography of India’ and ‘World Geography’ are good.

6. Stay updated to Current Affairs

Reading magazines such as “Yojana” and “Kurukshetra” regularly can help you stay updated about events happening currently and government policies. “GK Today” and “Ice Magic” are other useful ones, for current affairs other than India and other than Gujarat, respectively.

Also Read: https: Understanding Mock Tests in GPSC Preparation


Selecting the right books is crucial for GPSC Exam preparation. The way forward is to first stick to NCERTs and then progress to specialized text. If you are looking for a structured approach and need some expert guidance, please check out GPSC Guide. The strategies and resources tailored for GPSC Exam are what it offers.